

应届毕业生泰勒·塔拉里科·扬克和达科塔·基斯特勒, 还有校园教学设计师乔·斯科特, 请联系Alzbeta Prokopova, 他是Amberg Technologies的应用和支持工程师. 这是弗洛姆哈格巴赫测试画廊的一部分, 瑞士, 学生们拍摄360度视频的几个地点之一.


多亏了十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校一项新的虚拟现实计划, recent graduates in the 轨道交通工程 (RTE) program have traveled to Europe to create immersive learning experiences for future students.

2018年春季学期, 布莱恩Schlake, RTE讲师, paved the way for this and future interdisciplinary opportunities at the 阿尔图纳 campus through the creation of a new 虚拟现实 learning lab. 在那个时候, 他指导学生们如何使用360度摄像设备来捕捉镜头, 他还测试了虚拟现实头戴式设备,该设备将于今年秋天完工. 帮助启动实验室, 校园获得了15美元的奖励,全国铁路建设和维修协会拨款1万美元.

“我有一个来自东肯塔基大学的朋友过去总是说, 永远不要告诉一个人你能给他看什么,’”施莱克说. “很多学生都是视觉学习者, and they can read in a book about what catenary wire looks 就像 -- which is the power lines that power electric trains -- but for them to actually see it, 看看是什么样子, 看看它是如何组合在一起的, 它比我试图解释它所能做的要多得多. 或者让他们看看空间站是如何建立的, 让他们真正进入虚拟环境, 他们能够看到他们将要设计的未来."

Schlake, 和乔·斯科特一起, 阿尔图纳校区的教学设计师, 和一群来自RTE项目的学生, 在德国不同的铁路地点拍摄了360度的视频, 瑞士, 和奥地利. 施莱克说,他们收集了火车的视频, 铁路, 码, 终端, 甚至还有几列火车上操作员驾驶室的录像. 这次旅行的部分赞助是由 徕卡呈, of which Schlake说 him, Scott, and the students were extremely grateful for the support.

Schlake说, “学生们会把这些视频带回去处理, 然后明年, we'll be able to step into our 虚拟现实 lab and use the headsets -- we have several different types of 虚拟现实 headsets for students to put on and wear and enter into this environment to kind of take a virtual tour of those railway systems that don't even exist in North America. It gives them an opportunity to still learn about those systems and operations from right here in Central 宾西法尼亚."

回到阿尔图纳后, Scott has been helping Schlake and his students develop online course content using the 360 videos. 斯科特还在探索在其他课程中使用360度视频, and he said the trip to Europe was an excellent proof of concept both for virtual video creation and for capturing video in an international context.

"I’m interested in using the trip and associated videos to create digital storytelling experiences that immerse students in unique environments and deliver meaningful curriculum content,斯科特说. "The resources created can be used for course content and attracting potential students to the program."

目前, VR实验室有一个Oculus Rift系统, 谷歌白日梦, 以及三星Gear VR平台, and Schlake说 they will soon purchase additional headsets to make a total of seven to eight headsets for the lab. 另外, 实验室还会有其他几个系统, including a virtual welder trainer and a locomotive simulator for students to learn how to operate a locomotive. Students have already begun to use the virtual welder trainer to practice shielded metal arc and gas metal arc welding in the RTE 404 (Railroad Mechanical Practicum) course.


从左, 泰勒Talarico-Yunker, 达科塔Kistler, 和斯蒂芬·哈维在新实验室测试虚拟现实耳机.

来源:Marissa Carney

Students who will create the 360-degree video have been very excited about the opportunity. 即使斯蒂芬·哈维, 萨维尔的, 宾西法尼亚, 没有多用过虚拟现实设备吗, 他说,他认为这对未来的学生来说是一个很好的机会.

“VR设备非常有趣,我们从未接触过它, 所以这是一种全新的体验,哈维在出发前说. “It should be a great experience for all the new students coming in to see the videos that we're making."

达科塔Kistler, 威廉斯堡的, 宾西法尼亚, said that even though he was graduating he may still use the experience on his resume and possibly in the future. "What I think is going to be pretty cool is that now I have first-hand experience with 虚拟现实 equipment and [with it] becoming more popular later on in my career, 我可以说‘是的, 我实际上可以使用它,也许会在我的日常生活中继续使用这项技能."

Another recent graduate in Schlake’s spring class who took 360-degree videos of the high-speed rail systems in Europe is Tyler Talarico of Media, 宾西法尼亚.

"I think one of the cool things with the VR is just that it kind of takes your 2-D world with your projection in class and puts it into your normal 3-D so you're able to manipulate the video with the headset itself,他说. "I feel very honored to be able to maybe leave my mark for future classes and really build up the program in a good way."

在春天, 宾州州立大学的媒体共享资源 帮助VR实验室启动. Schlake说 the staff from 媒体共享 purchased the 360-degree cameras for the 阿尔图纳 campus library and Dan Getz of the Penn State 沉浸式体验实验室 提供了如何使用相机和Adobe Premiere软件的培训, 用哪个来处理视频.

媒体共享 consultant Nick Smerker said immersive learning experiences 就像 this are important because they allow students to dive into worlds that they could not otherwise easily get to. 近距离观察基本流程或预览潜在雇主, 学生们获得了一种传统视频无法复制的地方感.

“I see a lot of potential for using 360-degree video with all things international at the University,斯默克说. “作为一个有幸旅行过的人, I definitely know that it’s true that the perspective gained by leaving the country (to say nothing of language learning opportunities and more) is invaluable.”

在校园编程中实现沉浸式体验, 比如以一个国家为中心, 就像 EDGE计划 十大网投平台信誉排行榜海狸分校, 或者在课堂上, make it possible for students to gain a sense of being on the ground and engaged with a particular foreign culture without the associated costs of actually being on location. Otherwise, costs make these experiences very prohibitive for many students, Smerker said.

Schlake has high hopes that this project will have a big impact on students while also educating people about rail safety.

"We're hoping that this will really inspire students all across the country but also all across the world to explore railway transportation,他说. “It's a field that people don't think a lot about but really it's the backbone of our economy in North America."


在阿尔图纳校区, there has been a lot of support and interest in immersive learning experiences from the administration, 还有其他学科的学生和教师, 如机电工程技术, 心理学, 和通信.

教师 or staff who are interested in getting started with 360-degree video and/or 虚拟现实 at their campus can contact 媒体共享 at (电子邮件保护).
